From mystery to mastery
Explore your mind to find its full power
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You will never think of your mind the same way again
The term "power of the mind" can mean many different things to people, such as sheer cognitive abilities, high creativity, resilience, self-discipline, willpower, or strong mind-body connection.
Here is what I mean by the power of the mind:
Our mind operates on two levels, the conscious mind, through which we are aware of thoughts, memories, perceptions, and the non-conscious which encompasses everything that is not readily (or at all) accessible to consciousness.
There are two extreme beliefs about the relative importance of the two aspects of the mind. Some believe that conscious intentions reign supreme, we will everything into being, and the non-conscious mind, being invisible, is inconsequential. The other extreme is that, given the immense processing capacity of the non-conscious mind, we are at its mercy, and it directs us any which way it pleases.
Reality, of course, is between these two extremes. The non-conscious mind is constantly influencing our behavior even though we may believe or wish it were otherwise. It is always active, we cannot turn it off, nor should we want to, because its evolutionary function is to keep us safe even if it must go against our conscious desires in the moment.
Only when we understand, recognize, actively integrate, listen to and make use of both aspects of our mind, can we express our will fully and make truly intentional choices. Denying unseen influences makes us more vulnerable to manipulation, while acknowledging and working with them leads to finding the full power of our mind.

Welcome to the world of the invisible, where we explore what our extraordinary mind does outside of our conscious awareness. I am Melinda Meszaros, your guide into this fascinating, hidden world. I am a former academic turned energy worker with PhDs in Neuroscience and Psychology. I love teaching about the brain, the mind, and being human, in an understandable and user-friendly way. I also practice and teach an energy technique along with the current supporting scientific understanding.

What will you find at Transformational Energetics?
❄ For people new to these ideas I teach a course that explores what our hidden mind does and how its workings shape our lives. Practical tips and tools are also provided so that students can navigate life with greater awareness and ease.
❄ In advanced courses I teach the technique of Transformational Energetics, which enables people to discover and transform subconscious programs, release traumas and realign relationships.
Learn more about the courses →
❄ During individual sessions I deep dive into clients' subconscious using Transformational Energetics so that people can become who they want to be rather than what they were programmed to be.
Melinda is very intuitive and understanding. Her presence is grounded and clear. She consistently, incredibly and effectively gets to the foundation of issues and clears them. Her teaching is systematic; her coaching is kind and empowering. I enjoy working with Melinda and feel comfortable recommending her. Phyllis Brown