Let's learn!
Courses offered by Transformational Energetics are for those with a curious, adventurous mind, eager to explore the new
and ready for the unexpected
❄ Are you at the end of your rope, frustrated and disheartened?
❄ Do you feel as if an invisible wall prevents you from getting your ideas across, be it at work or in your private life?
❄ No matter what you've tried, you are not getting the results you are looking for, and you are out of ideas as to what to do next?
Let me introduce to you the non-conscious mind, a key player in your experience

Did you know that the non-conscious mind drives 90-99% of what we do?
In addition to automated processes and body maintenance it handles higher cognitive functions such as perception, memory, learning, and judgement, playing a major role in our decision making, emotional responses and goal setting.
In essence, it is the bedrock on which our relationship to ourself, others, and the world is built.
Does this mean that we are the mercy of our hidden mind? Not at all, if we know the what's why's and how's of its workings.
My specialty is in helping people understand their brain, how they think, as well as understanding how others think.
With this knowledge, navigating interactions with others, and life in general, becomes much smoother and less puzzling.
Each course is packed with scientific information in an easy-to-understand format and also includes practical tips and demonstrations for a "hands-on" experience. They are taught live in an online setting.
If you would like to be notified when the next round of courses is offered, you can either join the waitlist or sign up for the mailing list and also receive a weekly dose of practical psychology or neuroscience.
Meet the Hidden Mind
and understand what makes people tick

This course is an introduction to the fascinating world of the non-conscious mind and its influence on every aspect of our life.
It is primarily aimed at people with a STEM background, but all brainy misfits and people with interest in the topic will find a home here.
Why is the non-conscious mind so important?
Because it is a major, invisible player in how people make decisions, what drives them and where their blind-spots come from. It impacts people's daily choices, motivations, how they relate to others and their overall outlook on life.
How would knowing more about this change your life? Are you curious?

The Technique
Transformational Energetics is a form of energy psychology. It is a highly analytical, logical technique that is very effective for reprogramming the subconscious mind. It allows the identification, with great precision, of hidden beliefs, programs, energy entanglements in relationships and traumas that form the foundation for people's limiting thinking and repetitive behavioral patterns. The technique also enables the building of new belief systems and solidifies mindsets that are supportive of desired goals. It is suitable for working on self or others, and can be a great addition to the toolkit of coaches and healers.
Major advantages of Transformational Energetics are:
Follows a systematic approach to uncovering the true issues
Highly analytical
Very effective
Easy to learn the basics
Includes ready-made protocols that work great for beginners and can be mix-and-matched by advanced practitioners
Both removing unwanted and establishing desired new beliefs are included in the protocols
Can be done for self as well as others
Great for people who are not keen on introspection, reflection or journaling
Great for people who are hesitant about energy work because they view it as woo
Does not require reliving traumatic events or negative emotions
Pinpoints instances when it is therapeutically beneficial for clients to bring something to conscious awareness
Can be easily incorporated into and can serve as powerful support for coaching and healing practices
The technique is taught with the available supporting scientific information from neuroscience, psychology, physiology, epigenetics and a touch of quantum physics. The technique courses are great for those who not only would like to have a very usable, efficient tool, but would like to learn what the underlying science is. It is taught on two levels, Basic and Advanced.
The basic level of the course covers - well, the basics.
Recognizing patterns in thoughts and behaviors
Applied kinesiology and its role in the process
The role of the conscious mind in the process
Strategies for the discovery conversation
Conducting a dialogue with the subconscious mind to identify hidden beliefs and program
Changing the beliefs that are uncovered and unwanted
A very versatile protocol that can be used for shifting beliefs and mindsets about every-day issues
Plenty of practice time so that students are "fluent" in the basics by the end of the course
This level is ideal for:
people committed to personal development
those who want to have a taste of non-woo energy work
coaches who want a fast and effective way of removing blocks that limit their client's progress
The advanced course can only be taken after the completion of the basic course.
In this course the work goes much deeper and includes protocols for working with:
personal trauma
intergenerational trauma
emotional baggage
physical issues
This course includes even more practice time as the issues and the protocols are becoming increasingly complex.
By the end of the course students will have done a great deal of work on each other and be reasonably practiced in conducting deep work.
This level of the technique is idea for people who are:
committed to deep self-discovery and personal development
healers who are looking for a technique that can be used when most other modalities have come up short
Note: while Transformational Energetics is great for working with many types of trauma, on its own it is not suitable for those who are very deeply traumatized and/or require psychiatric care.