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Muscle testing

  • Why we do it

  • Why it works

  • How to do it

You can purchase the gadget shown in the video, called the TruTester, here (no affiliation)

Muscle testing

In Transformational Energetics is identifying beliefs outside of conscious awareness.


The importance of accessing these beliefs is that often what we consciously think about something may not match the belief we hold subconsciously.


For example, if you sked people if they believed the statement “I deserve love” to be true, pretty much everyone would answer with a yet. However, if you were to test their subconscious many would test a NO.


Identifying such discrepancies then leads to finding the root cause of sabotaging and repeating negative thought and behaviors hold us back.


The idea behind muscle testing is that when we are exposed to something positive, it can be a memory, a thought or a substance, our muscles get stronger. The opposite is also true, when we experience negative emotion, thought or a substance that is harmful, our muscles get weaker


So in the example I used before, if I make the statement that “I deserve love” and my subconscious disagrees, my muscles become weaker


The next logical question is, why do the muscles get weaker?


The explanation can be given on both a biological and an energetic levels, both stemming from the fact that our minds and bodies are inextricably connected.


The biological explanation is that muscle testing taps into the response of the autonomic nervous system and our stress response. When there is a discrepancy between the conscious and subconscious minds we experience a cognitive dissonance. This cognitive dissonance triggers a subtle stress response, which is accompanied by weaking of the muscles if the cause of the stress is mental or emotional


If we think about the energetic level – everything is energy. Our bodies, solid as they appear, are still energetic systems with their unique vibrational frequency. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions are also energy of a certain frequency.


When something resonates in harmony with the body’s energy system, the muscles respond with strength. Conversely, a dissonant frequency weakens the body’s energy field, leading to a corresponding drop in muscle strength.


In summary, muscle testing works because it relies on the responses from the body and the body, intricately linked to our subconscious mind, can provide information that bypasses the conscious mind.


How to do self-muscle testing?

When you are first learning to muscle test make sure that you are relaxed and in a calm, distraction-free environment, sitting comfortably with feet on the floor and that you are well hydrated.

For how to actually do it please watch the video from 4:20 onwards.

You can purchase the gadget shown in the video, called the TruTester, here (no affiliation)

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